Ringer Lactate 500 ml - Fibco

Ringer Lactate 500 ml - Fibco

رينجر لاكتات 500 مل - فيبكو
Venous Nutrients & Human albumin
category: use to Venous Nutrients & Human albumin ،

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NaCI : Isotonic solution. * Indicated in Na depletion which may arise from gastro-enteritis, diabetic ketoacidosis, ilcus and ascites. Naci 0.45 % — hypotonic 0.45 % * Uscd ifwater is needed than şaline
Mannitol: * Osmotic Diuretics. Ringcr's lactate — Na Lactate

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what company Ringer Lactate 500 ml - Fibco؟


NaCI : Isotonic solution. * Indicated in Na depletion which may arise from gastro-enteritis, diabetic ketoacidosis, ilcus and ascites. Naci 0.45 % — hypotonic 0.45 % * Uscd ifwater is needed than şaline
Mannitol: * Osmotic Diuretics. Ringcr's lactate — Na Lactate

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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