Broncho-Vaxom 3.5mg Sachets

Broncho-Vaxom 3.5mg Sachets

برونشو - فاكسوم 3.5ملجم أكياس
category: use to Antibiotics ،

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a polyvalent immunotherapy of the respiratory tract, used as adjuvant therapy with antibiotics, it increase the Tlymphocytes and immunoglobulins,secreted by the respiratory mucous membrane
Dosage: 1 cap. Daily before breakfast for 10 days for Children: the caps. Can be opened & added to a cup ofjuice or spoon of jam.

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57 EGP

what company Broncho-Vaxom 3.5mg Sachets؟


what company Broncho-Vaxom 3.5mg Sachets؟


a polyvalent immunotherapy of the respiratory tract, used as adjuvant therapy with antibiotics, it increase the Tlymphocytes and immunoglobulins,secreted by the respiratory mucous membrane
Dosage: 1 cap. Daily before breakfast for 10 days for Children: the caps. Can be opened & added to a cup ofjuice or spoon of jam.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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