Epoetin 2000

Epoetin 2000

إيبويتين 2000
Multi Vitamins & General tonic preparations
category: use to Supplements ،
concentration: 2000i.u

what medicine Epoetin 2000؟

Epoetin: is recombinant human erythropoietin used in anaemia with erythropoietin deficiency in chronic renal failure IV. or subcutaneous acc. To bodyweight 1-3 times weekly.

what form Epoetin 2000؟


what doses Epoetin 2000؟

مرتان اسبوعيا

what company Epoetin 2000؟


what price Epoetin 2000؟

60 EGP

what company Epoetin 2000؟


what company Epoetin 2000؟


Epoetin: is recombinant human erythropoietin used in anaemia with erythropoietin deficiency in chronic renal failure IV. or subcutaneous acc. To bodyweight 1-3 times weekly.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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