Ligofat - 120

Ligofat - 120

ليجوفات - 120
Weight Control & Appetite Suppressants
category: use to Diet ،
concentration: 120mg

what medicine Ligofat - 120؟

Orlistat inhibit gastric and pancreatic lipases, the enzymes that break down triglycerides in the intestine. When lipase activity is blocked, triglycerides from the diet are not hydrolyzed into absorbable free fatty acids, and are excreted undigested instead.
Dosa e:l tabs. Before or after each meal.

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85 EGP

what company Ligofat - 120؟


what company Ligofat - 120؟


Orlistat inhibit gastric and pancreatic lipases, the enzymes that break down triglycerides in the intestine. When lipase activity is blocked, triglycerides from the diet are not hydrolyzed into absorbable free fatty acids, and are excreted undigested instead.
Dosa e:l tabs. Before or after each meal.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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