Master-Gest - Capsules

Master-Gest - Capsules

ماستر جيست - كبسولات
Drugs of Spastic Colon
category: use to Digestive System ،

what medicine Master-Gest - Capsules؟

Niechanism:binds water,increase the bulk, & stimulate peristalsis & rate of colonic transit.
Uses Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms even associated with Spastic colon., Mucous colitis., Diverticulosis, hen you need patient with soft stool as in Hemorrhoids, Anal fissures.Post anal & Rectal surgery. 2-3 tabs. Or caps. 1 hour before food 3 times daily.

what form Master-Gest - Capsules؟


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what price Master-Gest - Capsules؟

29 EGP

what company Master-Gest - Capsules؟


what company Master-Gest - Capsules؟


Niechanism:binds water,increase the bulk, & stimulate peristalsis & rate of colonic transit.
Uses Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms even associated with Spastic colon., Mucous colitis., Diverticulosis, hen you need patient with soft stool as in Hemorrhoids, Anal fissures.Post anal & Rectal surgery. 2-3 tabs. Or caps. 1 hour before food 3 times daily.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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