Cephoxin 250

Cephoxin 250

سيفوكسين 250
category: use to Antibiotics ،
concentration: 250mg

what medicine Cephoxin 250؟

Having bactericidal activity because it inhibits the cell-wall synthesis. With high activity against .penicillinase producing staphylo-cocci.

Patients allergic to penicillin; cross sensitivity reactions may occur +Dose should be suitably reduced to patients with marked impaired renal function 4a false positive reaction for glucose in the urine of patients receiving Cephalexine.

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ثلاث مرات يوميا

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what company Cephoxin 250؟


what company Cephoxin 250؟


Having bactericidal activity because it inhibits the cell-wall synthesis. With high activity against .penicillinase producing staphylo-cocci.

Patients allergic to penicillin; cross sensitivity reactions may occur +Dose should be suitably reduced to patients with marked impaired renal function 4a false positive reaction for glucose in the urine of patients receiving Cephalexine.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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