Zoxon 1000

Zoxon 1000

زوزون 1000
category: use to Antibiotics ،
concentration: 1000I.V.pack&I.M.pack

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INDICATIONS:Yd. generation indicated for —Sepsis.- Meningitis.- Intra-abdominal infections-Bone, Joint, Soft tissue & Skin infections- Urinary tract infections.- Respiratory tract infections Genital infections.- Perioperative prophylaxis of infections. The total daily Dose should not exceed 4 grams.
Dosage:I.V. , deep I.M. or i.v. infusion. Dose is 1-2 depending on the type and severity of the infection.
Children: A daily Dose of 20-80 mg/kg (not to exceed 2 g daily). Gonorrhea: a single 1M Dose of 250 mg is enough. Ceftriaxone: available in two fomos i.v. & i.m. vials Ceftriaxone : prepared one I.V.pack & anthor I.M.pack.

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مرة واحدة يوميا

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Medreich, England

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36 EGP

what company Zoxon 1000؟

Medreich, England

what company Zoxon 1000؟

Medreich, England

INDICATIONS:Yd. generation indicated for —Sepsis.- Meningitis.- Intra-abdominal infections-Bone, Joint, Soft tissue & Skin infections- Urinary tract infections.- Respiratory tract infections Genital infections.- Perioperative prophylaxis of infections. The total daily Dose should not exceed 4 grams.
Dosage:I.V. , deep I.M. or i.v. infusion. Dose is 1-2 depending on the type and severity of the infection.
Children: A daily Dose of 20-80 mg/kg (not to exceed 2 g daily). Gonorrhea: a single 1M Dose of 250 mg is enough. Ceftriaxone: available in two fomos i.v. & i.m. vials Ceftriaxone : prepared one I.V.pack & anthor I.M.pack.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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