Omega-3 Plus 500

Omega-3 Plus 500

أوميغا 3 بلس 500
Lipid Regulating Agents
category: use to Diet ،

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DHA=Docosahexaenoic acid (in stuctural component of brain, nerves retinal membranes{ Omega 3 fatty acid } Actions 1 reduce plasma triglycerides 2 reduce LDL cholesterol 3 increase HDL cholesterol 4 anti inflammatory & antiplatdet effect 5 reduce elevated blood pressure Indication adjuvant therapy in th following cases: 1 Atherosclerosis. 2- coronary heart disease (prevention & treatment. 3- heart attack. 4- peripheral vascular disease. 5- cerebrovascular disease e.g. hypertension. 7- psoriasis Dosage:One capsule twice daily with meals.

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42 EGP

what company Omega-3 Plus 500؟


what company Omega-3 Plus 500؟


DHA=Docosahexaenoic acid (in stuctural component of brain, nerves retinal membranes{ Omega 3 fatty acid } Actions 1 reduce plasma triglycerides 2 reduce LDL cholesterol 3 increase HDL cholesterol 4 anti inflammatory & antiplatdet effect 5 reduce elevated blood pressure Indication adjuvant therapy in th following cases: 1 Atherosclerosis. 2- coronary heart disease (prevention & treatment. 3- heart attack. 4- peripheral vascular disease. 5- cerebrovascular disease e.g. hypertension. 7- psoriasis Dosage:One capsule twice daily with meals.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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