Bravodine 10% antiseptic Solution

Bravodine 10% antiseptic Solution

برافودين 10٪ مطهر جراحي
Disinfectants, Medicated Soaps & Scabies & Lice
category: use to Disinfectants ،
concentration: 10%

what medicine Bravodine 10% antiseptic Solution؟

Povidone Iodine possesses broad spectrum of germicidal activity of inorganic iodine It is bactericidal, fungicidal, sporicidal and virucidal.öit is not inactivated by the presence of pus .
Indications:Bacterial Skin Infections. Mycotic Skin Infections Decubitus and Stasis Ulcers Infected Abrasions & Pyodermas. B) Prophylactic: Major and Minor Burns.
Uses as antiseptic and cleanser for wounds Burns and opened skin .

what scientific name Bravodine 10% antiseptic Solution؟

what doses Bravodine 10% antiseptic Solution؟

مرتان يوميا

what company Bravodine 10% antiseptic Solution؟

Bravo Pharma

what price Bravodine 10% antiseptic Solution؟

15 EGP

what company Bravodine 10% antiseptic Solution؟

Bravo Pharma

what company Bravodine 10% antiseptic Solution؟

Bravo Pharma

Povidone Iodine possesses broad spectrum of germicidal activity of inorganic iodine It is bactericidal, fungicidal, sporicidal and virucidal.öit is not inactivated by the presence of pus .
Indications:Bacterial Skin Infections. Mycotic Skin Infections Decubitus and Stasis Ulcers Infected Abrasions & Pyodermas. B) Prophylactic: Major and Minor Burns.
Uses as antiseptic and cleanser for wounds Burns and opened skin .

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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