Sensoderm 120 ml Lotion

Sensoderm 120 ml Lotion

سنسوديرم 120 مل لوشن
Emolients, Diaper - Rash, Sun - Burn & Sun - Screen
category: use to Sun - Screen ،

what medicine Sensoderm 120 ml Lotion؟

Sulf. 300 mg+Camphor 10mg+ Menthol 150 mg+ Thyme ext. 100 mg+ Glycerin 5gm./100 ml

what form Sensoderm 120 ml Lotion؟


what company Sensoderm 120 ml Lotion؟

Avano ph

what price Sensoderm 120 ml Lotion؟

15 EGP

what company Sensoderm 120 ml Lotion؟

Avano ph

what company Sensoderm 120 ml Lotion؟

Avano ph

Sulf. 300 mg+Camphor 10mg+ Menthol 150 mg+ Thyme ext. 100 mg+ Glycerin 5gm./100 ml

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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