Carbamide 30 gm Cream

Carbamide 30 gm Cream

كرباميد 30 جم كريم
Emolients, Diaper - Rash, Sun - Burn & Sun - Screen
category: use to Emolients ،

what medicine Carbamide 30 gm Cream؟

Urea promotes hydration applied topically in the treatment of ichthyosis and hyperkeratotic skin disorders used as emollient, healing & moisturizer for severe dry & cracked skin

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90 EGP

what company Carbamide 30 gm Cream؟


what company Carbamide 30 gm Cream؟


Urea promotes hydration applied topically in the treatment of ichthyosis and hyperkeratotic skin disorders used as emollient, healing & moisturizer for severe dry & cracked skin

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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