Venaxan 500 Tabs

Venaxan 500 Tabs

فيناكسان 500 أقراص
category: use to Antibiotics ،
concentration: 500mg

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High potency broad spectrum quinolone c+Unlike other quinolones, it has an excellent activity against Gram positive organisms,.) including streptococcal spp. And anaerobes
Dosage:Acute bacterial chronic bronchitis: 500 mg once daily for 7 days, Community acquired pneumonia:500 once daily for 7-14days.Acute maxillary sinusitis:500 mg once daily for 10-14 days Skin infections: 500 mg one daily for 7-10 days.Complicated UTI: 250 mg once daily for 10 days.

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مرة واحدة يوميا لمدة خمسة أيام

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33 EGP

what company Venaxan 500 Tabs؟


what company Venaxan 500 Tabs؟


High potency broad spectrum quinolone c+Unlike other quinolones, it has an excellent activity against Gram positive organisms,.) including streptococcal spp. And anaerobes
Dosage:Acute bacterial chronic bronchitis: 500 mg once daily for 7 days, Community acquired pneumonia:500 once daily for 7-14days.Acute maxillary sinusitis:500 mg once daily for 10-14 days Skin infections: 500 mg one daily for 7-10 days.Complicated UTI: 250 mg once daily for 10 days.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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