Vitinorm	30 ml liquid

Vitinorm 30 ml liquid

فيتينورم 30 مل سائل
Hyperpigmentation,Scae,Vitiligo & Psoriasis
category: use to Dermatological ،

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both ammoidin and ammidin induce the production of melanin pigment in the skin on exposure to sunlight. Dosage:Vetiligo Leucoderma 2tabs./12 hrs. for 3 weeks then 1 tabs. Morning & 3 4PM. The patient exposed for 15 minutes for sunlight before sunset light (2hrs. after taking the tablets) meladinine paint applied evening and the atient ex osed to sunli ht on the next earl morning.

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22 EGP

what company Vitinorm 30 ml liquid؟


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both ammoidin and ammidin induce the production of melanin pigment in the skin on exposure to sunlight. Dosage:Vetiligo Leucoderma 2tabs./12 hrs. for 3 weeks then 1 tabs. Morning & 3 4PM. The patient exposed for 15 minutes for sunlight before sunset light (2hrs. after taking the tablets) meladinine paint applied evening and the atient ex osed to sunli ht on the next earl morning.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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