Vanihair 15gm Cream

Vanihair 15gm Cream

فانيهير 15 جم كريم
Hair Tonic & Dandruff Preparations
category: use to Hair care ،

what medicine Vanihair 15gm Cream؟

stop & retard unwanted hair under arm hair removing the hair first using the wax then apply cream twice daily for a week then once daily continuously.

what company Vanihair 15gm Cream؟

Mash Pharma

what price Vanihair 15gm Cream؟

75 EGP

what company Vanihair 15gm Cream؟

Mash Pharma

what company Vanihair 15gm Cream؟

Mash Pharma

stop & retard unwanted hair under arm hair removing the hair first using the wax then apply cream twice daily for a week then once daily continuously.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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