Prisoline zinc Nasal/Eye Drops

Prisoline zinc Nasal/Eye Drops

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Nasal Preparations
category: use to Nose ،

what medicine Prisoline zinc Nasal/Eye Drops؟

Uses:short therapy for Nasal allergy accompined with nasal congestion —during common cold. Allergic eye with congestion Dosage:one drop 3 times daily .

what form Prisoline zinc Nasal/Eye Drops؟


what doses Prisoline zinc Nasal/Eye Drops؟

مرتان يوميا

what company Prisoline zinc Nasal/Eye Drops؟


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what company Prisoline zinc Nasal/Eye Drops؟


what company Prisoline zinc Nasal/Eye Drops؟


Uses:short therapy for Nasal allergy accompined with nasal congestion —during common cold. Allergic eye with congestion Dosage:one drop 3 times daily .

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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