Romalex 0.1

Romalex 0.1

روماليكس 0.1
Eye and Ear Preparations
category: use to Eye ،
concentration: 0.1mg

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Mechanism:lnhibition of prostaglandin symthesis, which play a major rule in the pathogenesis of inflammation and pain.
Uses When administered before cataract surgery : inhibits miosis during the operation. Also has an antiinflammatory effect when given after surgery or trauma to the eye, and in other non-infectious inflammatory conditions.
Dosage:Adults Preoperative: up to 5 X 1 drop over the 3 hours preceding surgery. immediatel after surgery, thereafter 3-5 x 1 drop daily as long as required.

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ثلاث مرات يوميا لمدة سبعة أيام

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Mechanism:lnhibition of prostaglandin symthesis, which play a major rule in the pathogenesis of inflammation and pain.
Uses When administered before cataract surgery : inhibits miosis during the operation. Also has an antiinflammatory effect when given after surgery or trauma to the eye, and in other non-infectious inflammatory conditions.
Dosage:Adults Preoperative: up to 5 X 1 drop over the 3 hours preceding surgery. immediatel after surgery, thereafter 3-5 x 1 drop daily as long as required.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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