Aptamil 2

Aptamil 2

أبتاميل 2
Baby Food & Adult Nutrition
category: use to Baby Food ،

what medicine Aptamil 2؟

This type of milk is skimmed from fats & Reconstituted to be rich in reduced protein & Fat molecules suitable For 6 12 months of age& Vitamins , minerals nedded for The optimum growth of this stage.

what company Aptamil 2؟


what price Aptamil 2؟

75 EGP

what company Aptamil 2؟


what company Aptamil 2؟


This type of milk is skimmed from fats & Reconstituted to be rich in reduced protein & Fat molecules suitable For 6 12 months of age& Vitamins , minerals nedded for The optimum growth of this stage.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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