Swisslac Anti-regurgitation

Swisslac Anti-regurgitation

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Baby Food & Adult Nutrition
category: use to Baby Food ،

what medicine Swisslac Anti-regurgitation؟

AR= means Anti-regurgitation
Light Formulas rich in Starch Used for Babies suffering from milk regurgitation during feeding .
prepared by adding one measure for each 30 ml. Preboild water.

what form Swisslac Anti-regurgitation؟


what company Swisslac Anti-regurgitation؟

Eagles intr.-Switherland

what price Swisslac Anti-regurgitation؟

99 EGP

what company Swisslac Anti-regurgitation؟

Eagles intr.-Switherland

what company Swisslac Anti-regurgitation؟

Eagles intr.-Switherland

AR= means Anti-regurgitation
Light Formulas rich in Starch Used for Babies suffering from milk regurgitation during feeding .
prepared by adding one measure for each 30 ml. Preboild water.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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