Coenzym Q10 - 30

Coenzym Q10 - 30

كونزيم كي يو 10 - 30
Miscellaneous & unclassified Drugs
category: use to miscellaneous & unclassified Drugs ،
concentration: 30mg

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Ubidecarenone is a naturally occurring coenzyme involved in electron transport in the mitochondria. It is claimed to be a free radical and to have antoxidant and membrane stabilising properties. Given by mouth as an adjunct in cardiovascular disorders, including mild or moderate heart failure. Ubidecarenone is under investigation for the management of Huntington's chorea and parkinsonism.nornal range in plasma is 0.32-0.88mgm/ml.its deficiency is a significant sign for many degenerative diseases.
Dosa e:one ca s. Dail after food.

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21 EGP

what company Coenzym Q10 - 30؟


what company Coenzym Q10 - 30؟


Ubidecarenone is a naturally occurring coenzyme involved in electron transport in the mitochondria. It is claimed to be a free radical and to have antoxidant and membrane stabilising properties. Given by mouth as an adjunct in cardiovascular disorders, including mild or moderate heart failure. Ubidecarenone is under investigation for the management of Huntington's chorea and parkinsonism.nornal range in plasma is 0.32-0.88mgm/ml.its deficiency is a significant sign for many degenerative diseases.
Dosa e:one ca s. Dail after food.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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