Vitazinc - Capsules

Vitazinc - Capsules

فيتازينك - كبسولات
Multi Vitamins & General tonic preparations
category: use to Supplements ،
concentration: 7mg

what medicine Vitazinc - Capsules؟

& many of the below Multivitamin Preparations contain Zinc in high concentrations
& Zinc Plays about 60 rules in I-luman body , from it keep healthy human cells , so used in some skin problems, non-hereditary hair falling, & it has anti-stress properties. Dosage: 1-2capsules daily .

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what company Vitazinc - Capsules؟


what company Vitazinc - Capsules؟


& many of the below Multivitamin Preparations contain Zinc in high concentrations
& Zinc Plays about 60 rules in I-luman body , from it keep healthy human cells , so used in some skin problems, non-hereditary hair falling, & it has anti-stress properties. Dosage: 1-2capsules daily .

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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