Orelox 100

Orelox 100

أورليكس 100
category: use to Antibiotics ،
concentration: 100mg

what medicine Orelox 100؟

Indications:Upper and lower respiratory tract infection including: Acute bronchitis and acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis Pharyngitis and tonsillitis , bronchopneumonia Acute sinusitis
Dosage:tonsillitis and pharymgitis : 100 mg / 12 hours with meals. Acute Sinusitis, acute bronchitis, acute &chronic bronchitis, pneumonia: 200 mg every 12 hours
Children: average 8mg/kg/day administered in 2 Doses at 12 hourl intervals with meals.

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مرتان يوميا

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Sanofi Aventis

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60 EGP

what company Orelox 100؟

Sanofi Aventis

what company Orelox 100؟

Sanofi Aventis

Indications:Upper and lower respiratory tract infection including: Acute bronchitis and acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis Pharyngitis and tonsillitis , bronchopneumonia Acute sinusitis
Dosage:tonsillitis and pharymgitis : 100 mg / 12 hours with meals. Acute Sinusitis, acute bronchitis, acute &chronic bronchitis, pneumonia: 200 mg every 12 hours
Children: average 8mg/kg/day administered in 2 Doses at 12 hourl intervals with meals.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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