Triptagarin 12

Triptagarin 12

تريبتاجارين 12
Drugs For Circulatory Disturbance & Drugs For Migraine
category: use to Blood Diseases ،
concentration: 12mg

what medicine Triptagarin 12؟

Almotriptan is a selective and potent serotonin 5-HTI B/ID agonist.
Uses: acute treatment of the headache phase of migraine attacks with or without aura. approved in the USA for the treatment of migraine in adolescent from 12:17 years of age

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what company Triptagarin 12؟

Multi-Apex/Sobol El Dawa

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18 EGP

what company Triptagarin 12؟

Multi-Apex/Sobol El Dawa

what company Triptagarin 12؟

Multi-Apex/Sobol El Dawa

Almotriptan is a selective and potent serotonin 5-HTI B/ID agonist.
Uses: acute treatment of the headache phase of migraine attacks with or without aura. approved in the USA for the treatment of migraine in adolescent from 12:17 years of age

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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