Sumigran 6

Sumigran 6

سوميجران 6
Drugs For Circulatory Disturbance & Drugs For Migraine
category: use to Blood Diseases ،
concentration: 6mg

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Sumatriptan Selective serotonin agonist, act on 5HT1 receptors in cerebral blood vessels resulting in Vaso-Contraction Adverse effects, Precautions :of serotonin (5-HTI) agonists: dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, and fatigue. Nausea and vomiting may occur. Pain or sensations of tiligling..
Interactions :serotonin (5-HTI) agonists should not be given with ergotamine (found in some migraine preparations) or related compounds since there is an increased risk of vasospastic reactions. should not be used with, and for 2 weeks after stopping, an MAOI

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مرتان ليومين

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Sigma Tec

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30 EGP

what company Sumigran 6؟

Sigma Tec

what company Sumigran 6؟

Sigma Tec

Sumatriptan Selective serotonin agonist, act on 5HT1 receptors in cerebral blood vessels resulting in Vaso-Contraction Adverse effects, Precautions :of serotonin (5-HTI) agonists: dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, and fatigue. Nausea and vomiting may occur. Pain or sensations of tiligling..
Interactions :serotonin (5-HTI) agonists should not be given with ergotamine (found in some migraine preparations) or related compounds since there is an increased risk of vasospastic reactions. should not be used with, and for 2 weeks after stopping, an MAOI

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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