Solpadol 5

Solpadol 5

سولبادول 5
Drugs For Circulatory Disturbance & Drugs For Migraine
category: use to Blood Diseases ،
concentration: 5mg

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Mechanism:Selectively stimulate a subtype of 5HT1 receptors in cranial vessels causing vasoconstriction & decrease blood follow in both intracranial and extracrainal blood vessels. Adverse Effects. Precautions & Interactions: as for Sumatriptan

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54 EGP

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Mechanism:Selectively stimulate a subtype of 5HT1 receptors in cranial vessels causing vasoconstriction & decrease blood follow in both intracranial and extracrainal blood vessels. Adverse Effects. Precautions & Interactions: as for Sumatriptan

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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