Haemostatine 250

Haemostatine 250

هيموستاتين 250
Anti-Hemorrhagic & Haemostatic Agents
category: use to Blood Diseases ،
concentration: 250mg

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Mechanism:acts selectively on the capillary wall ,rapid n ormalize to its resistance and permeability it has antihemorrhagic and capillary protective action .
Uses ttt of haemorrhage due to capillary fragility & that of of surgeries , nose & stomach-Weakness &U resistance of blood capillaries e.g. in diabetics, Hypertension & atherosclerosis.
Side effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, headache, and skin rash occurred after use of etamsylate. Headache and skin rashes may disappear on reduced Dosage, and GIT disturbances are reduced by giving etamsylate after food
Dosage:lnjection I.V. or I.M. 1000 mg Then 500 mg /6hrs.- Orally 500 mg 3:4 times daily Kids 250 mg 3:4 times dail

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ثلاث مرات يوميا

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Arab Caps/Multicare

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20 EGP

what company Haemostatine 250؟

Arab Caps/Multicare

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Arab Caps/Multicare

Mechanism:acts selectively on the capillary wall ,rapid n ormalize to its resistance and permeability it has antihemorrhagic and capillary protective action .
Uses ttt of haemorrhage due to capillary fragility & that of of surgeries , nose & stomach-Weakness &U resistance of blood capillaries e.g. in diabetics, Hypertension & atherosclerosis.
Side effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, headache, and skin rash occurred after use of etamsylate. Headache and skin rashes may disappear on reduced Dosage, and GIT disturbances are reduced by giving etamsylate after food
Dosage:lnjection I.V. or I.M. 1000 mg Then 500 mg /6hrs.- Orally 500 mg 3:4 times daily Kids 250 mg 3:4 times dail

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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