Cona-adione 10

Cona-adione 10

كونا أديون 10
Anti-Hemorrhagic & Haemostatic Agents
category: use to Blood Diseases ،
concentration: 10mg

what medicine Cona-adione 10؟

Acetaminaphetone,menadiol, and phlomenadione (Kl ) all are a narue Idr Vit, K
Vitamin K: is an essential co-tiwtor in the hepatic synthesis ol' prothrombin ( factor 2 ) and clotting factors (7,9and 10 ) .
Vic C : forms & maintains the wall ofblood vessels & capillaries all over the body
Interactions:deereases the etrects of oral anticoagulants, and is used to counteract excessive effects of these drugs. ttt & prevention of Haemorrhage due to vita K deficiency. Dose I.M. or orally 2() mg Repeated after 8: 12 hrs.

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مرتان يوميا

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T3A /ACDima

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33 EGP

what company Cona-adione 10؟

T3A /ACDima

what company Cona-adione 10؟

T3A /ACDima

Acetaminaphetone,menadiol, and phlomenadione (Kl ) all are a narue Idr Vit, K
Vitamin K: is an essential co-tiwtor in the hepatic synthesis ol' prothrombin ( factor 2 ) and clotting factors (7,9and 10 ) .
Vic C : forms & maintains the wall ofblood vessels & capillaries all over the body
Interactions:deereases the etrects of oral anticoagulants, and is used to counteract excessive effects of these drugs. ttt & prevention of Haemorrhage due to vita K deficiency. Dose I.M. or orally 2() mg Repeated after 8: 12 hrs.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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