Megalase 3000

Megalase 3000

ميغالاس 3000
Drugs of Vascular Insufficiency
category: use to Blood Diseases ،
concentration: 3000U/ml

what medicine Megalase 3000؟

Mechanisnr. Has anti-edenoatous and anti-inflammatory efTect as proteolytic enzyme, it hydrolyses the glucosidic connections alfa-l -4-polysaccharides and inhibits the increase in the capillary permeability.
Indications: post-operative & post traunoatic edenoa inflammation associated with upper respiratory tract infections,
l)osage: one teas ooonful, adults 1 table or tables oonful 3 times dail

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ثلاث مرات يوميا

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24 EGP

what company Megalase 3000؟


what company Megalase 3000؟


Mechanisnr. Has anti-edenoatous and anti-inflammatory efTect as proteolytic enzyme, it hydrolyses the glucosidic connections alfa-l -4-polysaccharides and inhibits the increase in the capillary permeability.
Indications: post-operative & post traunoatic edenoa inflammation associated with upper respiratory tract infections,
l)osage: one teas ooonful, adults 1 table or tables oonful 3 times dail

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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