Doxium 500

Doxium 500

دوكسيوم 500
Drugs of Vascular Insufficiency
category: use to Blood Diseases ،
concentration: 500mg

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Mechanism: Regulates the physiological functions of resistance and permeability of the capillary wall
Uses Corneal inflammation in diabetics, Venous inflammation & atherosclerosis —anti-coagulant & prevention of haemorhage in gyna diseases.
Dosage: Ica s. 3 times daily with food .

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54 EGP

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what company Doxium 500؟


Mechanism: Regulates the physiological functions of resistance and permeability of the capillary wall
Uses Corneal inflammation in diabetics, Venous inflammation & atherosclerosis —anti-coagulant & prevention of haemorhage in gyna diseases.
Dosage: Ica s. 3 times daily with food .

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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