Newbezim 300

Newbezim 300

نيوبزيم 300
Drugs of Vascular Insufficiency
category: use to Blood Diseases ،
concentration: 300i.u , 300i.u

what medicine Newbezim 300؟

Mechanism:is a proteolytic enzyme has a properties to remove Coagulated blood, and necrotic tissue.
Chemotrypsin: able to reduce soft tissues inflammations and oedema,from abscesses and ulcers or associated with traumatic injuries and to promotes liquefaction of secretions of the upper Respiratory tract in patients suffering from asthma,bronchitis,pulmonary disease and sinusitis .
Uses decrease & ttt of Inflammation & oedema after trauma & post-operative oedema as adjuvant ttt for local inflammation like venous inflammation & bed sores eye trauma

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مرتان يوميا

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13 EGP

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what company Newbezim 300؟


Mechanism:is a proteolytic enzyme has a properties to remove Coagulated blood, and necrotic tissue.
Chemotrypsin: able to reduce soft tissues inflammations and oedema,from abscesses and ulcers or associated with traumatic injuries and to promotes liquefaction of secretions of the upper Respiratory tract in patients suffering from asthma,bronchitis,pulmonary disease and sinusitis .
Uses decrease & ttt of Inflammation & oedema after trauma & post-operative oedema as adjuvant ttt for local inflammation like venous inflammation & bed sores eye trauma

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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