Tomex-Plus 300

Tomex-Plus 300

توميكس بلس 300
Lipid Regulating Agents
category: use to Diet ،
concentration: 300mg

what medicine Tomex-Plus 300؟

Garlic ext: helps to maintain physical activity and fitness, and prevent premature senility . it improves circulation and is of value for hypertensive patients and for those with high lipid and cholesterol blood levels.Gar1ic ext also help expectoration and has antiseptic action .also patients with bronchitis, asthma, or intestinal or systemic infecions gain benefits by its use due to its many acive subestances subestances contain Garlic ext . Dosage:lca s. 2-3 times dail

what scientific name Tomex-Plus 300؟

what form Tomex-Plus 300؟


what company Tomex-Plus 300؟

Atos Pharma

what price Tomex-Plus 300؟

27 EGP

what company Tomex-Plus 300؟

Atos Pharma

what company Tomex-Plus 300؟

Atos Pharma

Garlic ext: helps to maintain physical activity and fitness, and prevent premature senility . it improves circulation and is of value for hypertensive patients and for those with high lipid and cholesterol blood levels.Gar1ic ext also help expectoration and has antiseptic action .also patients with bronchitis, asthma, or intestinal or systemic infecions gain benefits by its use due to its many acive subestances subestances contain Garlic ext . Dosage:lca s. 2-3 times dail

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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