Topmode forte 200

Topmode forte 200

توبمودي فورتي 200
Psychotropic agents
category: use to Nervous system ،
concentration: 200mg

what medicine Topmode forte 200؟

Sulipride:neuroleptic antipsychotic azent used in ttt of schizophrenia.neuroses. migrain and peptic ulcers. Used in peptic ulcer due to its inhibitory effect on gastric secretion.
chizophrenia 200:400 mg/12hrs.- Spastic colon & Peptic ulcer 100:200 mg Daily

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مرتان يوميا

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what company Topmode forte 200؟


what company Topmode forte 200؟


Sulipride:neuroleptic antipsychotic azent used in ttt of schizophrenia.neuroses. migrain and peptic ulcers. Used in peptic ulcer due to its inhibitory effect on gastric secretion.
chizophrenia 200:400 mg/12hrs.- Spastic colon & Peptic ulcer 100:200 mg Daily

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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