Sedaneurin 260

Sedaneurin 260

سيدانورين 260
Psychotropic agents
category: use to Nervous system ،
concentration: 160mg , 100mg

what medicine Sedaneurin 260؟

Valerian root contains natural herbs which have the properties of relieving insomnia and creating more smooth and adequate hypnotic effect . tabs. At bed time .

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Atos Pharma

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14 EGP

what company Sedaneurin 260؟

Atos Pharma

what company Sedaneurin 260؟

Atos Pharma

Valerian root contains natural herbs which have the properties of relieving insomnia and creating more smooth and adequate hypnotic effect . tabs. At bed time .

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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