Clopixol-depot 200

Clopixol-depot 200

كلوبيكسول ديبوت 200
Psychotropic agents
category: use to Nervous system ،
concentration: 200mg

what medicine Clopixol-depot 200؟

Clopixol-depot a Phenothiazine,in sever shizophrenia up to 150 mgdaily may be given every 2:4 weeks. For Properties see neuroleptics section-2 above
Adverse effects & Interactions: for Chlorpromazine. Zuclopenthixol is less likely to cause sedation but extrapyramidal effects are more frequent.

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مرة واحدة يوميا

what company Clopixol-depot 200؟

Lundbeck/Multi pharma

what price Clopixol-depot 200؟

448 EGP

what company Clopixol-depot 200؟

Lundbeck/Multi pharma

what company Clopixol-depot 200؟

Lundbeck/Multi pharma

Clopixol-depot a Phenothiazine,in sever shizophrenia up to 150 mgdaily may be given every 2:4 weeks. For Properties see neuroleptics section-2 above
Adverse effects & Interactions: for Chlorpromazine. Zuclopenthixol is less likely to cause sedation but extrapyramidal effects are more frequent.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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