Lomoxen 400

Lomoxen 400

لوموكسين 400
category: use to Antibiotics ،
concentration: 400mg

what medicine Lomoxen 400؟

Lomefloxacin is long-acting Quinolone used once daily
Interactions: as Ciprofloxacin,it does not interact with theophylline or caffeine.
Uses:mild to moderate lower respiratory tract and urinary tract infections. also for perioperative prophylaxis in patients undergoing transurethral surgical procedures 400 mg 2-6 hours perior to the procedure.
Dosage:400 mg once daily for 5-10 days acc. To severity of infection.

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28 EGP

what company Lomoxen 400؟


what company Lomoxen 400؟


Lomefloxacin is long-acting Quinolone used once daily
Interactions: as Ciprofloxacin,it does not interact with theophylline or caffeine.
Uses:mild to moderate lower respiratory tract and urinary tract infections. also for perioperative prophylaxis in patients undergoing transurethral surgical procedures 400 mg 2-6 hours perior to the procedure.
Dosage:400 mg once daily for 5-10 days acc. To severity of infection.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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