Tarivid 200

Tarivid 200

تاريفيد 200
category: use to Antibiotics ،
concentration: 200mg

what medicine Tarivid 200؟

Uses Acute & Chronic Urinary tract infection Nose, Ear & Throat Infection Skin & Soft tissues infections caused by G-negative organisms . Dosage:tabs./12 hours for 5:10 days.

what scientific name Tarivid 200؟

what form Tarivid 200؟


what doses Tarivid 200؟

مرتان يوميا

what company Tarivid 200؟

Sanofi Aventis

what price Tarivid 200؟

58 EGP

what company Tarivid 200؟

Sanofi Aventis

what company Tarivid 200؟

Sanofi Aventis

Uses Acute & Chronic Urinary tract infection Nose, Ear & Throat Infection Skin & Soft tissues infections caused by G-negative organisms . Dosage:tabs./12 hours for 5:10 days.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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