Tobrex 0.30% - Eye Oint

Tobrex 0.30% - Eye Oint

توبريكس 0.30٪ - مرهم للعين
Eye and Ear Preparations
category: use to Eye ،
concentration: 0.3%

what medicine Tobrex 0.30% - Eye Oint؟

Indications: External infections of the eye and its adnexa Clinical studies have shown tobramycin to be safe and effective for use in Children:.
Doses solution: In mild to moderate disease, apply one or two drops to the affected eye(s) every four hours. In severe infections, apply two drops to the eye (s) hourly .
Ointment In mild to moderate disease, apply a 1-1.5 centimeter ribbon to the affected eye(s) two or three times per day. In severe infections, apply a 1-1.5 centimeter ribbon to the affected eye(s) every three to four hours until im rovement.

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ثلاث مرات يوميا

what company Tobrex 0.30% - Eye Oint؟

Alcon/import by U.C.P.

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16 EGP

what company Tobrex 0.30% - Eye Oint؟

Alcon/import by U.C.P.

what company Tobrex 0.30% - Eye Oint؟

Alcon/import by U.C.P.

Indications: External infections of the eye and its adnexa Clinical studies have shown tobramycin to be safe and effective for use in Children:.
Doses solution: In mild to moderate disease, apply one or two drops to the affected eye(s) every four hours. In severe infections, apply two drops to the eye (s) hourly .
Ointment In mild to moderate disease, apply a 1-1.5 centimeter ribbon to the affected eye(s) two or three times per day. In severe infections, apply a 1-1.5 centimeter ribbon to the affected eye(s) every three to four hours until im rovement.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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