Ramedamycin plus 5ml drops

Ramedamycin plus 5ml drops

راميدامايسين بلس 5 مل نقط
Eye and Ear Preparations
category: use to Eye ،
concentration: 0.3%

what medicine Ramedamycin plus 5ml drops؟

Tobramycin Properties found in section-l above . & Dexamethasone details in section-2&3 Dosage:4-6 times daily the ointment ap lied 0.5 cm. under eye led at bedtime .

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مرتان يوميا

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what company Ramedamycin plus 5ml drops؟


Tobramycin Properties found in section-l above . & Dexamethasone details in section-2&3 Dosage:4-6 times daily the ointment ap lied 0.5 cm. under eye led at bedtime .

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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