Ocumethyl Eye Drops

Ocumethyl Eye Drops

قطرات العين أوكوميثيل
Eye and Ear Preparations
category: use to Eye ،

what medicine Ocumethyl Eye Drops؟

is used as a mydriatic in concentrations of up to 10%; generally solutions containing 2.5 or 10% are used. The mydriatic effect can last several hours.

what scientific name Ocumethyl Eye Drops؟

what form Ocumethyl Eye Drops؟


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what company Ocumethyl Eye Drops؟


what company Ocumethyl Eye Drops؟


is used as a mydriatic in concentrations of up to 10%; generally solutions containing 2.5 or 10% are used. The mydriatic effect can last several hours.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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