Virustat 5%

Virustat 5%

فيروستات 5٪
Eye and Ear Preparations
category: use to Eye ،
concentration: 5%

what medicine Virustat 5%؟

Acyclovir: inhubits DNA synthesis , it indicated for Eye herps simplex and keriatitis Indications: viral infections due to herpes simplex virus & keriatitis.
Dosage:applied 5 times daily therapy continued for 3 days after disaperance of symptoms.

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Acyclovir: inhubits DNA synthesis , it indicated for Eye herps simplex and keriatitis Indications: viral infections due to herpes simplex virus & keriatitis.
Dosage:applied 5 times daily therapy continued for 3 days after disaperance of symptoms.

Note: All the provided information about this drug does not substitute for consulting a doctor.

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